What is Hepatitis?


Hepatitis means any degeneration of the liver due to various causes, the most frequent infections by influenza virus types A, B and C and the abuse of alcohol or other toxic substances (such as some medicines). While viruses attack the liver when its cells to parasitize their reproduction, cirrhosis of alcoholics is caused by frequent intake of alcoholic beverages - once in the body, alcohol is transformed into harmful acids to liver cells.

Types of hepatitis:

Hepatitis A:

Is transmitted by contaminated food and water or one person to another, the disease is incubated between 10 and 50 days and usually causes no symptoms, but when present, the most common are fever, yellow skin and eyes, nausea and vomiting , malaise, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, urine-colored cola and light stools. The detection is done by blood test and there is no specific treatment, it is expected that the patient reacts alone against the disease. Although no vaccine against hepatitis A virus (HAV), the best way to avoid it is through sanitation, adequate treatment of water, well cooked food and the act of washing hands before meals.

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C:

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) and type C (HCV) is transmitted primarily through blood. Injecting drug users and patients undergoing contaminated surgical material and non-disposable are among the biggest victims, hence the care that must have on blood transfusions, the dentist, in sessions of waxing or tattooing. The hepatitis B virus can be passed through sexual contact, reinforcing the need for condom use. Often, the signs of hepatitis B and C may not appear and most of those infected only to discover he has the disease after years and often by chance in tests for these viruses. When included, the symptoms are very similar to hepatitis A, but unlike this, B and C may progress to a chronic condition and then to cirrhosis or even liver cancer.


There is no treatment for the acute form. If necessary, only for symptoms of nausea and vomiting. The home is considered very important by the patient’s condition.

The use of low-fat diet rich in carbohydrates and is in popular use, but its greatest benefit is to be improved digestion no appetite for the patient. As a practical matter should be recommended that the sick person set their own diet according to food acceptance. The only restriction is related to alcohol intake. This restriction should be maintained for a minimum period of six months and preferably one year.


The best strategy for prevention of hepatitis A include the improvement of living conditions, with adequate sanitation and hygiene education measures.

The prevention of hepatitis B include the effective control of blood banks by serological screening, vaccination against hepatitis B, the use of human immunoglobulin anti-hepatitis B virus, the use of personal protective equipment by health care professionals; the not sharing nail clippers, razors, toothbrushes, equipment for drug use, the use of condoms during sexual intercourse.

There is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C, but there are other forms of prevention such as screening in blood banks and centers for semen donation to ensure the distribution of biological material is not infected, screening of donors of solid organs such as heart, liver , lung and kidney; screening of donor cornea or skin; compliance with infection control practices in hospitals, laboratories, dental services, hemodialysis, treatment of infected individuals, as appropriate; abstinence or decreased use of alcohol, no exposure other substances that are toxic to the liver, such as certain medications.

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