What is Brain Aneurysm?


It is an abnormal dilation of a vessel (artery or vein) in the brain caused by several factors (atherosclerosis, congenital defect, trauma, infection, etc …) that promote the formation of an area of ​​weakness of its vessel wall. It is a problem that affects 2 to 5% of the population, can happen to anyone at any age (although more frequent in adults) and can result in a hemorrhage (bleeding) reaction in the brain, most often without notice. Warning signs for aneurysm rupture can include headache unprecedented and intense sudden onset, associated with blurred vision, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, sudden drooping eyelid, among others.

BLEEDING FOR THE BRAIN ANEURYSM (meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage) may also cause other complications such as cerebral vasospasm and hydrocephalus, and thus a serious problem. The brain aneurysm should be treated by endovascular embolization with conventional neurosurgery or craniotomy (opening of the head) and clipping of the aneurysm within the first days after bleeding to prevent rebleeding and to allow treatment vasospasm, reducing or avoiding consequences. If there were no bleeding (unruptured aneurysm) must treat the patient as soon as possible to avoid any disruption, bringing all the risks and problems of a bleeding brain.

Embolization in endovascular treatment if the neuroradiologist uses the natural access to the brain via the blood vessels. An armed microcatheter (catheter with diameters as small as half a millimeter) is introduced by a superselective catheterization in cerebral vessels to be placed inside the cerebral aneurysm in real-time view with ANGIOGRAPHY DEVICE FOR PROPERLY PREPARED FOR BOTH. With the microcatheter within the aneurysm, to convey through the microcatheter SPIRAL PLATINUM detachable, also called “coils”, which will occlude (fill) the aneurysm, excluding it from circulation and eliminating the risk of rupture and bleeding ( or rebleeding) intracranial.

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