Aspirin May Reduce Chances of Developing Cancer in the Digestive System


A study by the Pharmachemical Research Institute of Milan, Italy, indicates that the ingestion of aspirin may reduce the chances of developing different types of cancer in the digestive system.  The research involved nearly three thousand patients and concluded that regular consumption of aspirin for five years or more like 66% reduction in the chances of developing cancer in the mouth, throat and esophagus.

The explanation of the researchers for the beneficial effect of aspirin is the drug that acts on the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2, which would have key role in the onset of cancer of the throat.

Other studies have suggested the effectiveness of aspirin in the fight against breast cancer, pancreas, lung and colorectal.

Long Term

Aspirin is often prescribed for victims of myocardial infarction or for those who suffer from angina - chest pains caused by insufficient amount of blood through the heart muscles.

The drug affects the consistency of blood, improving your circulation, and British doctors advocate the prescription of the drug as a preventive method of heart disease.

However, another study indicates that the preventive use of drugs increases the risk of people who are not predisposed to heart problems.

Scientists are cautious with regard to the possible effects of the painkiller, saying that would be needed for long-term studies to have more certainty.

American scientists have even found evidence that aspirin may delay and sometimes avoid the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

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