Aspirin Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer!


Seven years with a search conducted by researchers from Dartmouth Medical School shows that a daily dose of aspirin may be effective in reducing the risk of colon adenomas - benign tumors that can turn into cancer if left in the intestine.

The multi-center study confirms indications of no statistical studies that low doses of aspirin may protect against cancer of the colon and rectum.

Dr. John Baron, principal author of the article and co-author of another article published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that aspirin protects against adenomas in the colon and rectum, noted that the findings of two studies show that low doses of aspirin protects against pre-cancerous polyps, and therefore there are good reasons to believe that aspirin probably reduce the rates of colo-rectal cancer. This will be particularly valuable for people who are at greater risk of cancer by having adenomas in the colon (polyps) or because they have been treated for colon-rectal cancer before.

The statistical study, conducted between 1994 and 2001, examined more than 1100 patients previously diagnosed with colorectal adenomas. Some patients received aspirin - or 81 mg or 325 mg - while others received a placebo. Interestingly, the group that received the lowest dose of aspirin - aspirin equivalent to a child - had a lower incidence of recurrence of polyps in the group that was treated with the higher dose of aspirin (equivalent to aspirin for adults).

Overall, those treated with a daily dose of aspirin child had their risk of polyps reduced by 19% and their risk of advanced lesions in more than 40%. The study involved, conducted among patients with a history of cancer in the colon and rectum, tested the regular use of aspirin (325 g) compared to placebo. The study showed higher reductions in the occurrence of adenoma - about 35% reduction.

Although aspirin is generally a safe drug, Baron noted that she can present side effects in some individuals. Before people start treatment with a daily aspirin, they should consult their doctors, he said.

He noted, too, which only take a daily aspirin is not sufficient to ensure that the person is free co cancer in the colon. “Aspirin is not magic. Although the incidence has been reduced, not all polyps were removed. The regular review, perhaps including colonoscopies, are still important.”

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