Aspirin May Reduce Chances of Developing Cancer in the Digestive System

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 2,451 views

A study by the Pharmachemical Research Institute of Milan, Italy, indicates that the ingestion of aspirin may reduce the chances of developing different types of cancer in the digestive system.  The research involved nearly three thousand patients and concluded that regular consumption of aspirin for five years or more like ...

Aspirin Combats Ovary Cancer!

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 2,788 views

She belongs to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can block the effects of chemical Cox-2.  Researchers in the United States discovered that the protein helps in the growth of cancerous tumors of the ovary.  During a conference of the American Association for Cancer Research, the scientists ...

Aspirin Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer!

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 2,499 views

Seven years with a search conducted by researchers from Dartmouth Medical School shows that a daily dose of aspirin may be effective in reducing the risk of colon adenomas - benign tumors that can turn into cancer if left in the intestine. The multi-center study confirms indications of no statistical studies ...

Video Game (Re-Mission) Helps Cancer Patients Take Meds

Thursday, August 7th, 2008 3,004 views

As according to Reuters: Playing a specially designed video game can help adolescents and young adult cancer patients adhere more closely to their prescribed treatment, according to a report in the journal Pediatrics. "Targeted video games can help improve the lives of young people with cancer, most importantly improve their adherence to ...

Mobile Phone and Cancer Risk, An Interesting Article

Thursday, August 7th, 2008 13,232 views

Scientific evidence so far shows that using mobile phones doesn't increase your risk of any type of cancer. What does the evidence say? The largest study so far on mobile phones and cancer is a Danish study, which looked at over 420,000 people. It found no link between mobile phones and any ...

New Facts In The Battle Against Cancer

Friday, August 1st, 2008 3,264 views

There are two closely linked research areas in the fight against cancer: microtubules and epothilones. Microtubules are linear polymers of tubulin, a globular protein, that transport vesicles, chromosomes and other biological matter in cells, and epothilones are natural products that can stabilise microtubules and in turn inhibit cancer-cell growth.

Innovations And Improvements In Sun Protection

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008 2,831 views

Improved research and manufacturing techniques have led to significant breakthroughs in sunscreens including better delivery systems and improved cosmetic elegance. These advances address some of the biggest issues surrounding sunscreen - UVA protection, proper application and frequency of reapplication. "As the first independent organization to evaluate sunscreen efficacy through our Seal ...

Skin Cancer

Friday, June 6th, 2008 3,818 views

Skin cancer is the virtually all natural form of cancer in the US. The 2 virtually all natural types are basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer. They in general form on the head, face, neck, hands and arms. other type of skin cancer, melanoma, is more dangerous but ...

What is Lung Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

Friday, June 6th, 2008 26,147 views

Moreover called: Bronchogenic carcinoma Lung cancer is one of the virtually all natural cancers in the planet. It is a leading provoke of cancer mortality in men and women in the US. Cigarette smoking provokes virtually all lung cancers. The more cigarettes you smoke per day and the earlier you began ...

Symptoms And Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 30,371 views

Some womem feel guilty, or say that breast cancer happened because of something they or anyone else did, but this is not trus and is a counterproductive way of thiking. The breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells. The breast is a humam gland designed to make milk for babies. ...